Welcome to the INSA Toulouse web portal


This portal is an open archive which aims at gathering INSA scientific publications (articles, communications, theses, pre-publications, conference proceedings, etc.). It promotes the results of scientific research at INSA Toulouse and provides broad and open access to the researchers’ work. HAL-INSA is one of the many services offered by INSA to researchers which enables them to disseminate their research at a national and international level. A team is at your service to help you (to write publication lists, to create CVs, etc.).

Feel free to write to the library’s team at: hal-insa@insa-toulouse.fr 

When you submit your publications on HAL, you ensure the permanent backup of your data and publications, in line with national and European requirements as part of the Plan for Open Science, the Plan S or the H2020 programme.   

INSA Toulouse Lab collections


Specifics collections






13 767

Full Text

19 012


Sherpa / Romeo

