SMT-based Automation for Overwhelming Truth
Cryptographers are interested in showing that facts hold with overwhelming probability, i.e., a probability that grows fast enough to 1 wrt. some security parameter. It is thus natural to consider a formal logic where terms and formulas are interpreted as random variables, with a notion of validity based on overwhelming truth. In such a setting, one can postulate e.g. an axiom stating that the hash of two distinct adversarial terms do not collide, even though there is actually a negligible probability that an attacker finds such a collision. This results in a logic that is both fully formal and allows easy reasoning. However, the non-standard semantics of the logic makes it nontrivial to use common automation techniques. In this work, we show that it is actually possible to use classical reasoning tools, and more specifically SMT solvers. We develop this approach in practice in the setting of the Squirrel proof assistant, designing efficient encodings that leverage standard theories. We present benchmarks comparing our approach to existing automated reasoning techniques in Squirrel, and show how the new SMTbased tactics enable much shorter proof scripts.
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