Machinability and surface quality during high speed trimming of multi directional CFRP
In this paper, high speed trimming of a multidirectional CFRP using unused and used burr tools is considered in order to investigate the influence of the machining parameters (e.g., feed speed, cutting speed and cutting distance) on the cutting forces, machining temperature, and the machined surface quality. To estimate the effect of the tools’ wear and cutting parameters on the cutting forces and surface roughness, a statistical method (ANOVA) has been used. When considering an unused tool, the recorded temperatures were below the glass transition temperature of the composite material (Tg). In the case of used tools, these temperatures were mostly higher than the Tg. Furthermore, SEM observations of the machined surface showed damaged areas. These areas were wider when the cutting distance increased. Statistical analyses have shown that the machining parameters have a significant influence on the variation of the machined surface quality and the cutting forces.